vendredi 25 juillet 2014

Posted by Unknown
No comments | 10:32

A birthday comes once a year, so you need to celebrate with a cake made out of raw meat.

Did you remember Mike the Tiger's birthday? It's okay if you forgot, because LSU remembered. Thursday was the anniversary of birth for the mascot, so naturally it was time to give him a cake.

A good cake is a singularly wonderful experience that changes with age and tastes. When you're young you couldn't care less about the cake itself, that sucker is a vehicle for frosting. One tolerates the cake as a child, but only insofar as getting more frosting. It's also why the childhood pro move was to get a corner slice of a sheet cake.

When you get a bit older your tastes refine. Suddenly the cake's consistency, moisture level and flavor all factor. You may even *gasp* think frosting is too sweet.

Mike is 52 in cat years, which means he's hit the point where his pallet is truly refined. This is why the ingredient "meat" is a little worrisome. The turkey bacon is your frosting, the goat milk a binding agent -- "meat," you don't know what you're getting. It could be hot dog, it could be mystery meat. Either way it looks like Mike enjoyed it and that's what's important.

Please let that 9 is made of foie gras.

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